Current Planning

MEMORANDUM December 15, 2004


Mayor Larry Campbell and Councillors



J. Rogers, City Manager
S. Baxter, City Clerk
S. Mundick, General Manager, Parks & Recreation
J. Forbes-Roberts, General Manager, Community Services
J. Shotton, Solicitor



Larry Beasley, Director of Current Planning



Approval of Form of Development for 33 Smithe Street and 980 Cooperage Way

At the Council meeting of December 14, 2005, when considering staff recommendations for approval of the form of development for the proposed buildings at 33 Smithe Street and 980 Cooperage Way, both applications in Area 6A of the False Creek North area, Council deferred consideration in order to receive more information on commitments by the developer to build Creekside Park nearby. The matter was deferred to a Council Committee agenda on December 16, 2004. This memorandum provides the requested information. The attached map references the areas that are discussed below.

At the Public Hearing for the Comprehensive Development (CD-1) zoning for Area 6A, the following relevant resolutions were adopted:

"F. THAT prior to enactment of the CD-1 By-law, and at no cost to the City, the registered owner shall enter into an agreement, to be completed to the satisfaction of the City Manager and the General Manager of Parks and Recreation, on terms and conditions satisfactory to the Director of Legal Services, for the provision of a preliminary conceptual design for the future park on Area 9, including base elevations and preliminary layout, details, anticipated uses and general grading for the park, and the preparation of this design to include public consultation."

- This condition was satisfied through a legal agreement between the applicant and the City whereby provision of a preliminary conceptual design for the future park on Area 9 (commonly called Creekside Park) was secured. No specific timeframe was secured. It was understood that park design and community consultation would be underway while development was occurring in Area 6A. It was not meant that this design would have to be completed before consideration of development applications for Area 6A.

"H. THAT, as requested by the Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation, Council will explore mechanisms to deliver Creekside Park extension (Parcel 9 in False Creek North) as early as possible."

- Staff work in pursuance of this resolution will get underway in earnest early in 2005 when a study commences about future development of the Plaza of Nations and areas to the east. This work will touch on the development approach and timing for Area 6C and will suggest opportunities for delivery of the park as early as practical. It will also include considerations for all sites in this area related to the Olympics.

"I. THAT, as requested by the Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation, Council will consider, at the time when a rezoning application is received for Parcel 6C, a year by which Creekside Park extension must be delivered."

- This remains a clear Council instruction for the future, when a rezoning for Area 6C is submitted by the land owner. Such an application is not expected until the study on the Plaza of Nations and areas to the east, referred to above, has been completed and brought to Council.

Accordingly, I recommend proceeding with approval of the forms of development now before Council as the process envisioned by Council at the time of rezoning to bring forward Creekside Park in a timely way is now underway.

Larry B. Beasley, C.M.


Q:\Clerical\Central Area\MEMOS\Approval of Forms of Dev. for 33 Smithe & 980 Cooperage .doc